Episode 47: QnA: Is a 1:1 business model scalable and profitable?

Episode 47: QnA: Is a 1:1 business model scalable and profitable?

I received so many questions about my recent decision to retire my offer suite and only have my 3-month 1: 1 coaching program, that I decided to share my answers here on the podcast.
Most of the questions I received fell into three loose topics all around scaling, income and credibility so that’s what we are going to focus on today.

Episode 45: How to prioritise your to-do list

Episode 45: How to prioritise your to-do list

I thought it would be fun or should I say useful for me to share how I prioritise my to-do list every day but especially on days like today when starting something feels hard and it’s easy to tell myself that I can do it later because my computer is always within arms reach.

Episode 35: What is your leadership style?

Episode 35: What is your leadership style?

Each of us can sell, serve and teach from a place that feels good. You just need to identify that place first. And I think a great place to start is to identify your leadership style so you can play to your strengths and find ways to overcome areas that don’t come naturally to you. That’s why today on the show, I want to share the three leadership styles with you – The Storyteller, The Teacher and The Facilitator.
That’s why today I want to talk about consistency and what to do if you’ve found it hard to be consistent over the last few months.