Episode 60: How to make content creation fun

Episode 60: How to make content creation fun

Today I’m sharing the 5 biggest lessons I think we should all take away from 2021.
I’ve chosen these lessons because they have kept coming up for my clients, community, peers and even me. I hope they resonate with you too and serve you in the new year.

Episode 47: QnA: Is a 1:1 business model scalable and profitable?

Episode 47: QnA: Is a 1:1 business model scalable and profitable?

I received so many questions about my recent decision to retire my offer suite and only have my 3-month 1: 1 coaching program, that I decided to share my answers here on the podcast.
Most of the questions I received fell into three loose topics all around scaling, income and credibility so that’s what we are going to focus on today.