How do you avoid wasting your time, money and energy on the wrong expert?
Experts i made a thing podcast

If you call yourself an expert on the interwebs, does it make it true?⠀⁠

Nothing makes me sadder than hearing stories of biz owners hiring so-called experts only to end up disappointed with the results, advice and resources provided.⁠

Just because someone has a huge following and a pretty website doesn’t make them qualified to teach and share what they know.⁠

I could rant about this topic for hours (can you tell?!), which is why we dedicated a whole i made a thing podcast ep to it.⁠

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • What is an expert?

  • Can you call yourself an expert? And when can you call yourself an expert?

  • How do you choose the right expert for you?

  • What work do you need to do before you hire an expert?

  • How do you pick a scam (guaranteed $30k months we’re looking at you)

  • What’s the difference between a mentor and an expert?

  • How do you choose a mentor?

Resources discussed in this episode:

  • Everyone’s an expert about something says Seth Godin.

  • Is it true that 10K hours makes you an expert?

  • Insta-scam: how online con artists have adapted for the Instagram era.

  • 5 things to consider when hiring a mentor.

  • 8 best practices for hiring a coach who will help you grow.

Listen below or head to iTunes or Spotify.

Hi, I’m Rachel

I support multi-talented business owners to get clear on what makes them tick and desperately needed in their industry so they can make more money.

Should you start a podcast?

Should you start a podcast?

Do you genuinely want to start a podcast? Or do you think it’s the only way to grow your audience, share your expertise and produce evergreen content?


Should you start a podcast?

Should you start a podcast?

Do you genuinely want to start a podcast? Or do you think it’s the only way to grow your audience, share your expertise and produce evergreen content?