We’ve been conditioned to associate expertise with academic excellence, age, and masculinity. But I’m here to tell you that wearing tweed doesn’t make you an expert.
We’re slowly moving away from this outdated capitalist and patriarchal view of what it means to be a thought leader. This is amazing for business owners because you can redefine what being an expert looks like for you.
This is going to be part 1 of a 2 or 3 part series where I share words or phrases that I see every day in the online business space that are unethical, culturally inappropriate, or problematic in some way.
Whether your biggest struggle right now is showing up, knowing what content your clients are craving, finding time to create content, or not feeling comfortable to invite clients to work with you, you need a content plan.
Why determining your dream client is so important, how statistics and data can support you to make better business decisions, and how content can build deep relationships quickly
Put simply, content marketing is the process of creating content with the goal of attracting your dream clients and showing them why they should work with you or buy from you. Your content marketing strategy should support your business goals.