Indigenous housing in remote Queensland could soon face crisis
In Queensland, community groups have warned that if a government funded housing program is cut this June, a jobs and housing crisis could arise in remote Indigenous areas.
In Queensland, community groups have warned that if a government funded housing program is cut this June, a jobs and housing crisis could arise in remote Indigenous areas.
Homelessness Australia has warned that thousands of Australian’s will be forced to turn to homelessness services for help if the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017 is passed.
Queensland’s $3 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane casino is just one of a spate of developments accused of promoting hostile architecture.
Local and international design innovators will gather in Melbourne for a series of exhibitions, talks, studio tours and industry-led events to celebrate Melbourne Design Week until 25 March, 2018.
BaptistCare has now broken ground on a $5 million purpose-built complex for senior Australians facing homelessness in Goulburn.