How to never run out of ideas

How to never run out of ideas

Writer’s block is every writer’s worst nightmare. And it always seems to strike when there’s an important deadline looming. Don’t wait for the last moment to find inspiration. Instead, take a few minutes every day to fill up your ‘ideas bank’, writes Rachel Kurzyp.

How to become a digital nomad

How to become a digital nomad

Combining work and travel has always been a dream of mine. And now thanks to the internet, the changing nature of work and affordable travel options I have been able to make my dream a reality.

Over the last seven years, I have successfully lived, travelled and worked across six continents, writes Rachel Kurzyp.​

Dad, why do you drink?

Dad, why do you drink?

Rachel Kurzyp used to ask her dad questions about everything – but there was one thing she couldn’t bring herself to ask.