Last week I attended the Connecting Up conference on the Gold Coast, Australia. It was the first time I had been to the conference and I was pleased to see a range of people from across the world come together and discuss my passion – the intersection of technology and communications in the NGO sector.
I was looking forward to the conference because it would give me a few days away from the office to reflect on the big picture stuff that I know is happening and I should be doing but don’t have time to think about let alone implement. I often find myself getting distracted by the routine everyday tasks. Sound familiar?
However, when I got to the conference and was told that the big picture stuff really was about implementing little changes everyday. I had a Duh moment. I know this but somehow I had fallen into the trap that many of us do. I had forgotten that progress is about daily action and requires continued focus. Change is achievable when we stop making it a big thing and categorising it as hard work.
So instead of walking away with big ideas like I did after my last conference, which I clearly didn’t do anything with, I decided to take away a few one-liners that I could place near my desk and help change my everyday work.
They might be useful to you too.
- Innovation doesn’t have to be something new
Amy Sample Ward knows a lot about innovation. Resources on her website NTEN can help you.
- NGOs need to break the rules
Lucy Perry is breaking all the rules to help women at the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia. Check out the organisation’s Facebook page for inspiration.
- Give, give, give and ask
Darryn Altclass reminds us that we need to build a relationship with our customers and supporters. The Learning Community has ideas for the best way to do this.
- Tell a big story through little stories
- It’s ok to upset people along the way
- Email is still key
- Insanity is doing what you’ve always done and expecting the same result
- Begin a story with the Why then follow with the How and What
Holly Ransom helps bridge the gap between corporates and NGOs and recommends watching this video. (It’s one of my favourite Ted Talks).
Do you have any one-liners that help you stay focused at work? Please share them.
Featured image from Flickr.